Fully funded by Brickfields Asia College and supported by the Ministry of Education, freeschool.my is a not-for-profit multilingual learning portal targeting students sitting for Malaysian public exams, and is currently open for enrolments. Launched earlier this month, freeschool.my offers a specialised site for SPM students equipped with free e-Books (for Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Sejarah), practical exercises as well as seminars and webinars for all core SPM subjects. As the portal continues to grow, specialised sites for PT3 and UPSR subjects will also be released. These offerings complement a comprehensive library of over 700 videos featuring highly experienced teachers covering these subjects in Bahasa Malaysia and English (with videos in Mandarin and Tamil to come soon). To find out more, visit freeschool's offical website today.
These e-Books are authored by highly experienced Malaysian teachers. The e-Books also include links to practical exercises and lesson videos on the freeschool.my portal and will be available in print versions from the 30th of September onwards. These e-books are accessible here.
Refer to a comprehensive library of over 700 videos narrated by Malaysian teachers. Practice what you’ve learnt with practical exercises at the end of each sub-topic. Prepare for SPM using their online library.